Monday, August 3, 2009

The Girl in the White Toyota

The girl in the white Toyota. She has long dark hair and always wears big black sunglasses. I do not know how old she is – the car is sporty – spoiler on the back – so I am thinking young-er. She arrives at the park every day at 10am and leaves promptly at 11am. I walk at least five days a week in one of the best-maintained parks in New Jersey. When I walk past her on the outer rim of the park, she is usually on the phone or reading. She doesn’t seem happy. How would I know? I really don’t obviously. I’ve never spoken to her. Never would have the nerve to go up to her car and ask her all the questions that have been brewing all this time. But, I have her seen her so often these last 10? 15 years? that I wish that could speak to her. Why do you come to the park everyday and sit in your car, with the window barely cracked when everyone else is outside walking, running, skating or pushing strollers and communicating? What pulls you in everyday? I can set my watch by your schedule. Now that I am walking outside of the park’s perimeter, I have an idea of where you live – not that I want to stalk you…I am just so curious about your story.

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